I honestly can't remember these nightmares anymore. I remember it was 3 all in one night but I can't remember if they were all different or I kept waking up and it kept continuing.

Here is a writing from 2018 that I think explains the nightmare well.

First/The three in one nightmare Im at school with my mother Depressed kids walk into school and then come out of the roof and start to jump on it I walk in and I fall onto a fridge The room was like a familiar kitchen with a lot of wires My mother found me and she took me to run downstairs Finding a ripoff of her and world of Warcraft character. Second

there is no second I did not finish writing lol

Nooo idea why I tried to make it a poem, also yes this is how I write poems. I am not good.

Anyways I think that "poem" tells the story well enough.

My evil mom was some kind of mermaid, she had blue skin and a towel on her head with webbed hands and sharp teeth. She hissed at us. She kinda looked like those special affects from the 2000's. Shark boy and Lava girl level. Love that movie